  Laboratory for Preparation and Computation of Nanomaterials - (LPCN)

W r e n   2 0 2 4

Wren 2024

The Workshop on Renewable Energy and Sustainability

  Laboratory for Preparation and Computation of Nanomaterials - (LPCN)


Activity Title

Nature of The Activity


At 8:30

(Seminar 8):

Optimization of coaxial double rotor blades.

The eolic rotors optimization based on the blade element momentum theory. The total torque of double rotor is increased when compared to a single rotor turbine improving turbines.

At 9:25

(Seminar 9):

Developments in Blade Element/Momentum Theory for Horizontal-axis Wind and Hydrokinetic Turbines.

We will describe of turbine BEMT applications: 1. Swept and coned rotors. 2. Optimal blade design at low TSR. 3. Unequally-loaded blades rotors. 4.Turbines wind tunnel tested.

At 10:15

10-minute break for coffee, juice and snack for speakers and audience with identification.

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At 10:25

(Seminar 10):

Opportunities and Challenges for Composite Materials in a Sustainable World.

We will discuss about composite turbines structures. 1. replacing epoxy-based matrix systems with recyclable thermoplastic polymers; 2. using continuous fiber-reinforced polymer.

At 11:20

(Seminar 11):

Flapping-wing turbines for distributed electrical generation in the Amazon River basin.

We will review the research on flapping-wing turbines devices, which shows that competitive efficiencies can be attained, compared  o other turbine types and challenges.

At 12:05


1 hour and 55 minutes interval.

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At 14:30

(Mini-course 1):

Advances in thirdgeneration photovoltaics: Return of the dye-sensitized solar cell.

We will review the development of third-generation PV, OPV, and DSSC, the cell design, components and strategies to improve performance will be treated in detail.

At 15:25

10-minute break for coffee, juice

and snack for speakers and

audience with identification.


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At 15:40

(Minicourse 2):

Small-perturbation analysis and numerical modeling of third generation solar cells.

I will present small-perturbation analysis of solar cells, impedance spectroscopy and opticallymodulated spectroscopies applied to dye sensitized and perovskite solar cells.

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+1 (682) 706-1836


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Laboratory for Preparation and Computation of Nanomaterials - (LPCN)